Race Rules

• Valid Photo ID required to check-in and receive your bib.
• Duct tape or safety pin your bib onto either the shin or calf of your FRONT LEG (depending on regular or goofy) AS PER INSTRUCTIONS AT REGISTRATION!
NOTE: If your bib is not in the correct designated location,the finish shack will not see your number, will not record your time because we won’t know who you are, you will be bummed and you will not get a rerun, and it will not be our fault. If you have questions, ask at the start area.
• You will KEEP YOUR SAME BIB ALL WEEKEND, so take very good care of it. Your bib is also your ticket for food at the Baked Salmon Barbecue on Saturday.
If, under incredibly unfortunate circumstances, you lose your bib, replacement bibs are available from Gwyn or Britt for the small fee of a) one dozen red roses, b) a box of chocolate, or c) two single tall lattes (for those under 21) or a good bottle of red wine (for those over 21).
Each morning, check the race info board at the start area for info about the day’s schedule and for official start times for each division. Categories may start later than the times posted on the board at the start shack, but not earlier. Therefore, you can “safely” go ride until your posted category start time without worrying about missing your run. Any changes or updates will be posted at the top of the course. If no start times are posted it’s because we are still figuring it out. Our suggestion is to hang out and wait until your division is posted.
• We run 2 to 3 racers on the course at a time, so DON’T BE LATE FOR YOUR RUN or it holds up the show and there WILL be a penalty. Including, but not limited to possible disqualification for that run. Late runs on final day will not be allowed to run for a time that counts in final results.
FRIDAY All racers take one qualifying run in alphabetical order (A-Z) in each division, and by the Rob Morrow Rule (because it was his idea a while ago), approximately the top 25% of the finishers in each category this day automatically qualify for the finals. See Racer List insert for division running order.
SATURDAY All racers take one qualifying run in REVERSE alphabetical order (Z-A). Racers who have already qualified from Friday are welcome to take their run, but are not required to. Approximately the top 25% of the finishers in each category this day (who did not qualify Friday) qualify for the finals.The total number of qualifiers from Fri. & Sat. for the finals will total at least 50% of each division and total at least 50% of the entire race field collectively. Finalist lists will be posted at the Race Info Booth.
SUNDAY Finalists take 2 runs. The top five run in reverse qualifying order, then remaining racers are seeded by order of qualifying time. The FASTEST time of the two runs is used to determine final placing. Be sure to check start area for division race times for each run on Sunday because they change! Final results will be announced at the awards ceremony.
FINALS DQ NOTE For the second run of the finals, times will NOT be posted, only DQ’s. It is your responsibility to check the board for DQ’s whether you think you DQed or not and notify the race director within 30 minutes of your run or 15 minutes of the last racer regarding any DQ question – after this time there will be no provision for protest.

1. The race will be conducted by the race officials, whose decisions are final. There is no provision for appeals after a final decision. You have 30 minutes after your run, OR 15 minutes after the last racer each day (whichever comes first) to take issue with the race director regarding any timing or DQ questions.
2. The rider should be in the “start area” five minutes before his/her run.
3. The start procedure consists of all racers beginning from a “Start Shack” which will be indicated as such. The rider and the snowboard must be inside the perimeter of the “Start Shack” prior to the beginning of the run. Violation of this rule will result in immediate disqualification.
4. The rider must be on his/her board when crossing the finish line. Failure to do so will result in disqualification.
5. The rider must pass through timing eye at the finish line. Failure to do so will result in disqualification. Timing eye is located 6 to 20 inches off the ground depending on terrain. In other words, don’t ollie over the finish!
6. Disqualification will also result if:
A. Improper start:
1. Leaving the start shack before signaled.
2. Not being inside the start shack at time of the start signal.
B. Missing any gate. You must go between innermost bamboo gates in the race order. Any questions just ask.
C. Unsporting conduct (You know what that means…)
D. By obstructing other racers during the contest or tripping the finish line at any other time than your run.
E. Any violation of any of our Mountain Policies, Rules, & Laws.
F. Attempting to race while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
G. Reckless behavior or disregard for the safety of others while at the ski area.
H. Filming any time you are on course (pre-run or race) with any device (GoPro, iPhone, etc)
7. Your time will be posted at the finish shack as quickly as possible. Please do not pester the finish shack, as they work very hard to get you accurate times as soon as possible.
8. Racer must be strapped into both snowboard bindings when traveling down the race course.
Any race rules or info changes will be posted at the start area.